Project Background

Each city is required by the State to have a general plan for their community. State guidelines outline specific requirements for these plans, but general plans typically confirm community values, establish guiding principles, determine development policy, and guide long-range city development. This update will confirm Kingsburg’s vision for the future and growth goals.

Kingsburg’s focused update will also bring the General Plan into compliance with more recent state legislation which includes new requirements for the Hazard Management element and the establishment of an Environmental Justice element. As a focused update, this project is not expected to include changes to land uses or overarching general plan vision and goals.

The General Plan update is anticipated to be completed in October 2025. The project team expects documents to be available for review in summer 2024, with the first public workshop happening at that time. Check out the Get Involved page to learn more about when documents are available and events are happening!

Related Projects

As a separate effort, Kingsburg is also updating its Housing element to meet the 6th cycle housing element requirements from the California Department of Housing & Community Development. For more information about the Housing element update, please visit the City website at or contact the Planning Division 559-897-5821.